Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Discovering blogging

For me this has really been great fun learning about blogging, and now my own blog. Watch out. The first time I heard someone say the word "blog." I really had to laugh. It sounded like maybe a word that might have been from Lewis Carroll's "the Jabberwocky." In my head, I could imagine some slithy toves going: "Blog, blog, blog."

It made a little more sense knowing the word "blog" was what would happen if you said web log twenty times and fast. I really had no idea how easy they are to create and what wonderful canvases they are for written thought. A blog can be added to and linked and commented upon continuously. As a reading teacher, it excites me to see any idea which will motivate students in written form.

The weather where I live has been radical this week. It snowed monday. My children and I had a snowball fight. I think that is our first one of the fall. To share our fun with you. I've included a link to a virtual snowball.
(Don't say I didn't warn you}!

Please feel free to write how blogging has changed your perspective of writing and/or links to interesting blogs you have come across!


1 comment:

Katie Leach said...

Ellen, this is a fantastic start to blogging! I love to see what other people are thinking as they comment on a blog. It can give a completely different perspective that I never thought of!